This script uses ComBat to merge MSBB data.
Load requisite packages.
Define brain regions.
brain_regions = c("IFG", "STG", "PHG", "FP")
Read expression data.
# read mData
MSBB_mData = lapply(brain_regions, function(brain_region){
# process expression file
cat("processing", brain_region, "...\n")
load(paste0("../Data/MSBB-", brain_region,"-24.Rdata"))
all(unlist(lapply(MSBB_mData, function(x) all(rownames(x) == rownames(MSBB_mData[[1]])))))
MSBB_mData =, MSBB_mData)
Read covariate data.
Confirm sample order.
First, create the model matrix for the adjustment variables, including the variable of interest. Note that you do not include batch when creating this model matrix; rather, batch will be included in the ComBat function call in the following chunk. In this case, there are no other adjustment variables so we simply fit an intercept term.
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=MSBB_cov)
Now, remove batch effects using the ComBat approach from the sva
package. The input data is assumed to be cleaned and normalized before batch effect removal.
MSBB_combat = ComBat(dat=MSBB_mData, batch=MSBB_cov$brain_region, mod=modcombat)
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.