This script performs analysis of MSBB microglia data.
Load requisite packages.
rm(list = ls())
ds = "MSBB-combat"
dtype = "TMM"
brainRegion = "combated"
load(paste0("../Data/MSBB-", brainRegion,".Rdata"))
cat("\nBrain Region: ", brainRegion, "\n")
# load expression data
mData = expSet$mData
First, select only microglia genes. Of the microglial genes, select only those that exist in MSBB.
celltype = "microglia"
# select only microglial genes
genes = readLines("../Data/Microglia Genes.txt")
# select microglia genes that exist in MSBB
annot = fread("../Data/ENSEMBL GRCh38.p7.csv")
annot = unique(annot[GeneSymbol %in% genes,])
ensembl_ids = intersect(rownames(mData), annot$EnsemblID)
annot = unique(annot[EnsemblID %in% ensembl_ids,])
# remove duplicated genes
annot = annot[!duplicated(GeneSymbol), ]
ensembl_ids = annot$EnsemblID
# check results
any(duplicated(ensembl_ids)) # no duplicated ids
any( # no NA
exp ~ APOE + CERAD | exp ~ APOE + Braak
exp ~ APOE + CERAD e2, e4
dosage modelRun Model 1, which is exp ~ APOE + CERAD | exp ~ APOE + Braak
. Then, generate Table S2, which is comprised of differentially expressed microglia genes across APOE groups for MSBB data.
# run Model 1
tT_CERAD = run_model1(mData, cov$C, cov$E, annot)
tT_Braak = run_model1(mData, cov$B,cov$E, annot)
length(tT_CERAD[E4vsE3_P.Value < 0.05 & E4vsE3_logFC > 0,]$GeneSymbol)
length(tT_CERAD[E4vsE3_P.Value < 0.05 & E4vsE3_logFC < 0,]$GeneSymbol)
length(tT_CERAD[E2vsE3_P.Value < 0.05 & E2vsE3_logFC > 0,]$GeneSymbol)
length(tT_CERAD[E2vsE3_P.Value < 0.05 & E2vsE3_logFC < 0,]$GeneSymbol)
length(tT_Braak[E4vsE3_P.Value < 0.05 & E4vsE3_logFC > 0,]$GeneSymbol)
length(tT_Braak[E4vsE3_P.Value < 0.05 & E4vsE3_logFC < 0,]$GeneSymbol)
length(tT_Braak[E2vsE3_P.Value < 0.05 & E2vsE3_logFC > 0,]$GeneSymbol)
length(tT_Braak[E2vsE3_P.Value < 0.05 & E2vsE3_logFC < 0,]$GeneSymbol)
# Table S2
TableS2 = fread("../results/TableS2.csv")
TableS2[tT_CERAD, on="EnsemblID",
c("MSBB_E4vsE3_logFC", "MSBB_E4vsE3_CI.L", "MSBB_E4vsE3_CI.R",
"MSBB_E4vsE3_P.Value", "MSBB_E4vsE3_adj.P.Val",
"MSBB_E2vsE3_logFC", "MSBB_E2vsE3_CI.L", "MSBB_E2vsE3_CI.R",
"MSBB_E2vsE3_P.Value", "MSBB_E2vsE3_adj.P.Val") := .(
i.E4vsE3_logFC, i.E4vsE3_CI.L, i.E4vsE3_CI.R,
i.E4vsE3_P.Value, i.E4vsE3_adj.P.Val,
i.E2vsE3_logFC, i.E2vsE3_CI.L, i.E2vsE3_CI.R,
i.E2vsE3_P.Value, i.E2vsE3_adj.P.Val)]
TableS2 = TableS2[order(GeneSymbol), ]
fwrite(TableS2, "../results/TableS2.csv")
Run Model 1.5, which is exp ~ APOE + CERAD e2, e4
dosage model. Then, generate Table S3, which is comprised of differentially expressed microglia genes across APOE groups for ROSMAP DLPFC and each of MSBB brain regions using a dosage model.
# run Model 1.5 with E4 and E2 copies as numeric
tT_CERAD_ENum = run_model1.5(mData, cov$C, cov$E4num, cov$E2num, annot)
e4_num_genes = intersect(tT_CERAD_ENum[e4_P.Value < 0.05 & e4_logFC > 0, GeneSymbol], tT_CERAD[E4vsE3_P.Value < 0.05 & E4vsE3_logFC > 0,GeneSymbol])
e2_num_genes = intersect(tT_CERAD_ENum[e2_P.Value < 0.05 & e2_logFC < 0, GeneSymbol], tT_CERAD[E4vsE3_P.Value < 0.05 & E4vsE3_logFC > 0, GeneSymbol])
intersect(tT_CERAD_ENum[e4_P.Value < 0.05 & e4_logFC > 0, GeneSymbol],
tT_CERAD_ENum[e2_P.Value < 0.05 & e2_logFC < 0, GeneSymbol])
# Table S3
TableS3 = fread("../results/TableS3.csv")
TableS3 = TableS3[tT_CERAD_ENum, on = .(EnsemblID, GeneSymbol, Description),
c("MSBB_e4_logFC", "MSBB_e4_CI.L", "MSBB_e4_CI.R",
"MSBB_e4_P.Value", "MSBB_e4_adj.P.Val") := .(
i.e4_logFC, i.e4_CI.L, i.e4_CI.R, i.e4_P.Value, i.e4_adj.P.Val)]
TableS3 = TableS3[tT_CERAD_ENum, on = .(EnsemblID, GeneSymbol, Description),
c("MSBB_e2_logFC", "MSBB_e2_CI.L", "MSBB_e2_CI.R",
"MSBB_e2_P.Value", "MSBB_e2_adj.P.Val") := .(
i.e2_logFC, i.e2_CI.L, i.e2_CI.R, i.e2_P.Value, i.e2_adj.P.Val)]
fwrite(TableS3, "../results/TableS3.csv")
Compute z-scores.
z.C0 = to_z_score("C", 0, mData, cov)
z.C3 = to_z_score("C", 3, mData, cov)
z.B1 = to_z_score("B", 1, mData, cov)
z.B3 = to_z_score("B", 3, mData, cov)
Calculate average z-scores.
avez.C0 = to_ave_z(z.C0)
avez.C3 = to_ave_z(z.C3)
avez.B1 = to_ave_z(z.B1)
avez.B3 = to_ave_z(z.B3)
# spectral clustering
c = 3; k = 3
clust.C0 = spectral_clustering(avez.C0, k)
# visualization
annot_row = data.frame(cluster = as.character(clust.C0$clustA))
rownames(annot_row) = rownames(clust.C0$zMtx)
annotation_row = annot_row[order(clust.C0$clustA), , drop = F],
cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F,
show_rownames = F)
# interested genes
C0.genes = sort(rownames(clust.C0$zMtx)[clust.C0$clustA == c])
# spectral clustering
c = 2; k = 3
clust.C3 = spectral_clustering(avez.C3, k)
# visualization
annot_row = data.frame(cluster = as.character(clust.C3$clustA))
rownames(annot_row) = rownames(clust.C3$zMtx)
annotation_row = annot_row[order(clust.C3$clustA), , drop = F],
cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F,
show_rownames = F)
# interested genes
C3.genes = sort(rownames(clust.C3$zMtx)[clust.C3$clustA == c])
# spectral clustering
k = 3; c = 3
clust.B1 = spectral_clustering(avez.B1, k)
# visualization
annot_row = data.frame(cluster = as.character(clust.B1$clustA))
rownames(annot_row) = rownames(clust.B1$zMtx)
annotation_row = annot_row[order(clust.B1$clustA), , drop = F],
cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F,
show_rownames = F)
# interested genes
B1.genes = sort(rownames(clust.B1$zMtx)[clust.B1$clustA == c])
# spectral clustering
k = 3; c = 2
clust.B3 = spectral_clustering(avez.B3, k)
# visualization
annot_row = data.frame(cluster = as.character(clust.B3$clustA))
rownames(annot_row) = rownames(clust.B3$zMtx)
annotation_row = annot_row[order(clust.B3$clustA), , drop = F],
cluster_rows = F, cluster_cols = F,
show_rownames = F)
# interested genes
B3.genes = sort(rownames(clust.B3$zMtx)[clust.B3$clustA == c])
# hypergeometric test
phyper_test(C0.genes, B1.genes)
phyper_test(C3.genes, B3.genes)
phyper_test(C0.genes, C3.genes)
phyper_test(B1.genes, B3.genes)
Statistical testing of ROSMAP microglia-APOE genes across APOE genotypes. Use the average of z-scores for genes of interest for each individual as the outcome, with APOE genotype as a covariate and APOE E3/E3
as the baseline.
# ROSMAP C0 genes
TableS1 = fread("../results/TableS1.csv")
rosmap.C0.genes = TableS1$GeneSymbol
# C0 test
cov_C0 = cov[C == 0,]
all(cov_C0$individualIdentifier == colnames(z.C0$z))
test_avez(z.C0$z, C0.genes, cov_C0)
# C0 test based on ROSMAP genes
test_avez(z.C0$z, intersect(rownames(z.C0$z), rosmap.C0.genes), cov_C0)
# adjusted by donor
test_avez(z.C0$z, intersect(rownames(z.C0$z), rosmap.C0.genes), cov_C0, adj.donor = T, donor = colnames(z.C0$z))
# add to Table S1
MSBB_aveZ = copy(avez.C0)
setnames(MSBB_aveZ, c("Genes", "E2", "E3", "E4"),
c("GeneSymbol", paste("MSBB", c("E2", "E3", "E4"), sep = "_")))
TableS1 = MSBB_aveZ[GeneSymbol %in% rosmap.C0.genes, ][TableS1, on = .(GeneSymbol)]
TableS1 = TableS1[, .(GeneSymbol, EnsemblID, Description, ROSMAP_E2, ROSMAP_E3, ROSMAP_E4,
fwrite(TableS1, "../results/TableS1.csv")
# C3 test
cov_C3 = cov[C == 3,]
all(cov_C3$individualIdentifier == colnames(z.C3$z))
test_avez(z.C3$z, C3.genes, cov_C3)
# B1 test
cov_B1 = cov[B == 1,]
all(cov_B1$individualIdentifier == colnames(z.B1$z))
test_avez(z.B1$z, B1.genes, cov_B1)
# B3 test
cov_B3 = cov[B == 3,]
all(cov_B1$individualIdentifier == colnames(z.B1$z))
test_avez(z.B3$z, B3.genes, cov_B3)
Select ROSMAP C0 genes.
# read ROSMAP C0 genes
TableS3 = fread("../results/TableS3.csv")
rosmap_C0.genes = TableS3$GeneSymbol
mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes = z.C0$z[rownames(z.C0$z) %in% rosmap_C0.genes,]
mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes.e2 = mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes[,z.C0$E == "E2"]
mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes.e3 = mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes[,z.C0$E == "E3"]
mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes.e4 = mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes[,z.C0$E == "E4"]
# check dimension
table(z.C0$E) == data.frame(
E3 = ncol(mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes.e3),
E2 = ncol(mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes.e2),
E4 = ncol(mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes.e4))
# compute intersection
intersect(rosmap_C0.genes, C0.genes)
Statistical testing of ROSMAP microglia-APOE C0 genes across APOE genotypes. Use the average of z-scores for genes of interest for each individual as the outcome, with APOE genotype as a covariate and APOE E3/E3
as the baseline.
# test on ROSMAP C0 genes
cov_C0 = cov[C == 0,]
all(cov_C0$individualIdentifier == colnames(z.C0$z))
test_avez(z.C0$z, intersect(rosmap_C0.genes, rownames(mData)), cov_C0)
# read ROSMAP C3 genes
rosmap_C3.genes = read.xlsx("../results/ROSMAP_miroglia_cluster_genes_remove.low.expressed.genes.xlsx", sheet = "C3(k=3)", colNames = F)
rosmap_C3.genes = rosmap_C3.genes$X1
# test on ROSMAP C3 genes
cov_C3 = cov[C == 3,]
all(cov_C3$individualIdentifier == colnames(z.C3$z))
test_avez(z.C3$z, intersect(rosmap_C3.genes, rownames(mData)), cov_C3)
Plot of ROSMAP C0 genes in MSBB C0 subjects where each dot represents a person.
# reshape data
my.dat = list(`2` = colMeans(mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes.e2),
`3` = colMeans(mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes.e3),
`4` = colMeans(mDataZ.rosmap_C0.genes.e4))
my.df = reshape2::melt(my.dat)
my.df$L1 = as.numeric(my.df$L1)
colnames(my.df) = c("z-score", "APOE")
colnames(my.df) = c("z-score", "APOE.num")
my.df$APOE = as.factor(my.df$APOE.num)
# colors
to_swap = c("#62bba5", # E4
"#785d37", # E3
"#ffb84d") # E2
ggplot(my.df, aes(x = APOE.num, y = `z-score`, color = APOE)) +
geom_violin(fill = "white", trim = FALSE) +
geom_quasirandom(alpha = 0.3, width = 0.1, dodge.width = 0.9, varwidth = TRUE) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("#62bba5", "#785d37", "#ffb84d")) +
labs(y = "Average Z-Score", x = "APOE Genotype") +
theme(text = element_text(size = 14),
legend.position="bottom", legend.direction = "horizontal",
axis.title.x = element_text(face = "bold", size = 11),
axis.title.y = element_text(face = "bold", size = 11),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
legend.title = element_text(face = "bold")) +
stat_summary(, geom="errorbar", width=0.2, position = position_dodge(0.9), color = "black")
ggsave("../results/Figure2-combat.pdf", width = 5, height = 4, dpi = 300)
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.