Define MSBB Variables

This script first matches MSBB expression data to the clinical data, then defines variables in the covariate data.


Load requisite packages.


Define Paths

Define brain regions for analysis and paths to normalized data files (i.e., Trimmed Mean of M-Values or TMM matrices).

brain_regions = c("IFG", "STG", "PHG", "FP")
data_files = list(
  IFG = "../Data/AMP-AD_MSBB_MSSM_BM_44.normalized.sex_race_age_RIN_PMI_exonicRate_rRnaRate_batch_adj.tsv",
  STG = "../Data/AMP-AD_MSBB_MSSM_BM_22.normalized.sex_race_age_RIN_PMI_exonicRate_rRnaRate_batch_adj.tsv",
  PHG = "../Data/AMP-AD_MSBB_MSSM_BM_36.normalized.sex_race_age_RIN_PMI_exonicRate_rRnaRate_batch_adj.tsv",
  FP = "../Data/AMP-AD_MSBB_MSSM_BM_10.normalized.sex_race_age_RIN_PMI_exonicRate_rRnaRate_batch_adj.tsv"

Analyze Brain Regions

Iterate over previously specified brain regions to process each region. All code after this chunk should be encapsulated in a for loop. To appropriately document the code, pseudocode of the for loop is shown below, while the contents of the for loop are described in subsequent chunks.

for(brain_region in brain_regions) {
  # insert following chunks here

For the purposes of illustration, we define the brain_region of interest as the inferior frontal fygrus (IFG).

brain_region = "IFG"

Process Expression Data

Process expression data and remove unnecessary headers from sample IDs (e.g., S109B355.BM_10_798 becomes BM_10_798).

# process expression data
cat("processing", brain_region, "...\n")
data_file = unlist(data_files[brain_region])
msbb = suppressWarnings({fread(data_file, sep = "\t")})
gene_ids = msbb$V1
msbb =[, -1, with = F])
rownames(msbb) = gene_ids

# remove unnecessary headers
colnames(msbb) = gsub("^.*\\.", "", colnames(msbb))

Extract subject IDs in the same order as the sample IDs, then check for samples without an ID match.

# extract subject IDs
key_file =  "../Data/MSBB_RNAseq_covariates_November2018Update.csv"
key_map = fread(key_file)
key_map = unique(key_map[, .(sampleIdentifier, individualIdentifier)])

# check for samples without an ID match
cat("any samples don't have id match? ")
cat(any(!colnames(msbb) %in% key_map$sampleIdentifier), "\n")
sub_key_map = key_map[data.table(sampleIdentifier = colnames(msbb)), on = .(sampleIdentifier)]
all(sub_key_map$sampleIdentifier == colnames(msbb))
colnames(msbb) = sub_key_map$individualIdentifier

Check for duplicated samples.

# any duplicated samples?
  cat("remove duplicate samples..\n")
  msbb = msbb[, !duplicated(colnames(msbb))]

Process Covariate Data

Note that subject #1009 has an invalid Braak score of 9.

cov_file = "../Data/MSBB_clinical.csv"
cov = fread(cov_file)
setnames(cov, c("NP.1", "bbscore"), c("CERAD", "Braak"))
cov[Braak > 6, Braak := NA]

Extract clinical data in the same order as in the data.

cov = cov[data.table(individualIdentifier = colnames(msbb)), on = .(individualIdentifier)]
all(cov$individualIdentifier == colnames(msbb))

Define Clinical Variables


Group levels into three categories:

cov[, B := as.factor(cov$Braak)]
levels(cov$B) = c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3)
cov[, B := as.factor(as.character(B))]
table(cov$B, cov$Braak)

# double-check
table(cov$C, cov$Braak)


Old MSBB levels:

Define new levels:

# refactor
cov[, C := as.factor(CERAD)]
levels(cov$C) = c(0,3,2,1)
cov[, C := as.factor(as.character(C))]

# double-check
table(cov$C, cov$CERAD)


Define three categories:

NA values will be treated as E3/E3.

# define variable
cov$RawAPOE = paste0(cov$Apo1, cov$Apo2)
cov$RawAPOE = gsub("NANA", NA, cov$RawAPOE)

# treat NA values as E3/E3
cov[, RawAPOE := "33"]


Group levels into three categories:

# refactor
levels(cov$E) = c("E2", "E2", "E4", "E3", "E4", "E4")
cov[, E := factor(as.character(E), levels = c("E3", "E2", "E4"))]

# double-check
table(cov$E, cov$RawAPOE)

E4 Count

Group levels into three categories:

# refactor
cov[, E4num := as.factor(RawAPOE)]
levels(cov$E4num) = c(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2)
cov[, E4num := as.numeric(as.character(E4num))]

# double-check
table(cov$E4num, cov$RawAPOE)

E2 Count

Group levels into three categories:

# refactor
cov[, E2num := as.factor(RawAPOE)]
levels(cov$E2num) = c(2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
cov[, E2num := as.numeric(as.character(E2num))]

# double-check
table(cov$E2num, cov$RawAPOE)

Age at Death

Clean age at death variable.

# clean age at death
cov[, age_at_death := gsub("90\\+", "91", AOD)]
cov[, age_at_death := as.numeric(age_at_death)]

Save Results

Choose levels and contrasts, then save results.

# save results
expSet = list(mData = msbb, cov = cov)
save(expSet, file = paste0("../Data/MSBB-", brain_region,"-24.Rdata"))


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.