Pre-Process ROSMAP Data

This script removes low-expressed ROSMAP genes and adjusts by age, sex, and post-mortem interval (PMI).


Load requisite packages.


Load Data

Load .Rdata object saved by prior script.

# load data
rosmap_fpkm = rosmap$fpkm
cov = rosmap$cov

Filter Genes

Remove low-expressed genes.

# remove low expressed genes
gene_sel = rowMeans(rosmap_fpkm) > 0.1
rosmap_fpkm = rosmap_fpkm[gene_sel, ]

Adjust and Transform

Adjust by age, sex, and post-mortem interval (PMI), then log-transform data.

# create empty matrix to populate
adj_exp = matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(rosmap_fpkm), nrow = nrow(rosmap_fpkm))
colnames(adj_exp) = cov$projid
rownames(adj_exp) = rownames(rosmap_fpkm)

# adjust by age, sex, and PMI
msex = cov$msex
age_at_death = cov$age_at_death
pmi = cov$pmi

# impute missing values with mean
pmi[] = mean(pmi, na.rm = T)

Log-transform data.

# log2(fpkm + 0.0001) adjusted by age, sex, and PMI
for(gene in rownames(rosmap_fpkm)){
  exp = log2(as.numeric(rosmap_fpkm[gene,]) + 0.1^4)
  lm_fit = lm(exp ~ msex + age_at_death + pmi)
  adj_exp[gene, ] = lm_fit$residuals

Save Data

# save data
expSet = list(mData = adj_exp,
              cov = cov)
save(expSet, file = "../Data/ROSMAP-24-adj-low.expr.genes.removed.Rdata")


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.